Thank you for applying!

If you reside outside of the United States, 请按照本页提供的说明提交本科申请. This also includes U.S. citizens residing abroad.

Susquehanna University international Application 常见的应用程序


Your 入学 Representative:


Assistant Director of 入学


电话号码 570-372-4426

It’s All Here For You!

A welcoming and safe campus community. 一流的师资队伍在艺术和科学领域教授具有挑战性的课程,并结合实习和研究经验. Ranked among Top 20 Most Globally-minded Colleges. All this—and more—awaits you at Susquehanna!

Interested in business? 萨斯奎哈纳的西格蒙德·韦斯商学院是aacsb认证的, 在全球商学院中排名前5%. Want to study math, science or engineering? 您将体验到与教师密切合作的实践研究机会, often as early as your first year. Passionate about the arts? 艺术系100%的教师都是专业艺术家、音乐家和作家. 开设专业、辅修专业和自主设计专业100多个, 你将把你的才能和兴趣与你的职业抱负结合起来.

国际学生服务中心的工作人员将支持你完成学业过渡, cultural adjustment, 住房, working on campus and more. 在这里,你会发现一个包容的社区,在那里你会发展卓越的学术技能,转化为职业上的成功, plus valuable leadership, 社交和人际交往能力,以及终身难忘的回忆.